
With gasoline costing 25% more, region’s inflation is up 3.9%

by in News

Inflation in Los Angeles and Orange counties was rising at a 3.9 percent annual rate in July with gasoline prices up 25 percent in a year, according to a regional Consumer Price Index.

The change in the two-county region’s CPI costs and compares with 4 percent a month earlier and 2.5 percent a year earlier. Inflation rose 2.9 percent nationally.

Rising inflation has been eating into wage gains earned locally. So far this year, L.A.-O.C. inflation has risen at an average annual pace of 3.84 percent vs. private-sector average weekly earnings gains of 4.56 percent in the two counties. Last year, inflation rose 2.8 percent vs. 2.53 percent for weekly earnings. In 2013-2016, inflation averaged 1.3 a year vs. 2.38 percent for weekly earnings.

Here are local inflation trends you should be watching …

1. Overall housing costs in L.A.-O.C. rose 4.7 percent in the past year, according to CPI math. The CPI’s rent index was up 4.7 percent in a year.

2. Household energy cost 1.2 percent more. Gasoline cost 25.4 more in the last 12 months, by CPI math.

3. Food costs rose 1.3 percent in a year. Eating out expenses rose 2.9 percent.

4. Medical bills were up1.3 percent.

5. Costs of all services were 4.3 percent above a year ago.

6. Apparel prices were 2.4 percent higher.

7. The cost of big-ticket “durable goods” (such as appliances and furniture) were 3.3 percent lower in the year.

8. Western states saw consumer prices in July up at a 3.6 percent annual pace. A month earlier? 3.6 percent.

9. A new bimonthly Consumer Price Index for Riverside and San Bernardino counties shows inflation up 0.2 percent between May and March.

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