Are these 2 driving-related pet peeves against the law?
Q. Dear Honk, I have two pet peeves. The first is people driving with their blue handicap placards still hanging from their mirrors! I have one, and this is clearly printed at the top by the hole for hanging: “Remove from mirror before driving vehicle.” Is it legal to drive with the placard hanging from the mirror? And second, people throwing their cigarette butts out the window or dropping them beside the car as they drive off. Is that legal? Is there anything that can be done with these scofflaws?
– Michael Chik III, La Habra
A. Honk could write a book on his driving-related pet peeves.
As to yours, both misdeeds can win the offender a citation.
Such placards are like hippie beads, fuzzy dice or even a prized Orange County Register parking pass – things hanging from your rear-view that block your sight are against the law.
As to butts. …
Just last week, Tino Olivera, a California Highway Patrol officer and spokesman based in Santa Ana, said he pulled up behind a vehicle and watched as the front passenger tossed a butt out of the window.
The driver apologized, while the passenger said she didn’t know there was such a law.
“No, I didn’t believe her,” Olivera said when asked if he did. “Come on, everyone knows you can’t litter – especially with a cigarette butt.”
Under the law, either driver or passenger could have been cited.
Yep, she was the unlucky winner.
Q. Hi Honk. I’ve been seeing several street signs in my neighborhood that are covered up with tree branches so it’s impossible to read the names. Who is responsible for trimming the trees? Is there anyone to report this to?
– The Moores, Mission Viejo
A. If notified, your city will make sure you can tell whether you are turning onto Po Avenue or Ash Lane.
“You could have (them) call us,” said Jerry Hill, operations manager for the city of Mission Viejo. “We encourage it.”
If the offending tree or brush is on land supervised by a homeowners’ association, you might politely ask it to pull out a pair of clippers. Or you can just call the city’s Pubic Services, Operations department at 949-470-3095 to prompt the city to handle the pruning.
In general, residents can call their city hall to report such things and get directed to the proper department that ensures city and traffic signs are visible.
Honkin’ first fact: Spotted on the road, a license-plate frame that says, “DROPOUT” on the top, and “CAL STATE LONG BEACH” on the bottom.
Honkin’ second fact: At 4 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 26, Officer Shane Spielman of Anaheim P.D. will do a short Facebook Live on the agency’s page for his latest segment of “Ask a Motor Cop.” Oftentimes, he answers general questions from the public about traffic laws, but this episode will be more specific.
“This upcoming segment will be about child-passenger safety,” he told Honk. “Spoiler alert, it will be a ‘Wheel of Fortune’-style game on this episode.”
His social-media followers were asked to submit questions.
To ask Honk questions, reach him at He only answers those that are published. To see Honk online: