Orange County Democrats could yank endorsement of Santa Ana council candidate accused of abuse
The Democratic Party of Orange County is investigating allegations against a Santa Ana City Council candidate whom an ex-girlfriend alleges abused her.
Phil Bacerra, a former city planning commissioner running for the Ward 4 council seat, denied the accusations made by Griselda Govea, who first posted about them on Facebook and has since talked to reporters. He said he and Govea argued as a couple, but no abuse occurred.
The county committee of the Democratic Party endorsed Bacerra in the two-person race against Roman Reyna, who is a current planning commissioner. Party spokeswoman Rachel Potucek said the endorsement could be withdrawn, depending on the outcome of a probe by an appointed independent attorney.
“We take allegations and fair procedures very seriously. The Democratic Party of Orange County is reviewing this endorsement and has taken the additional step of conducting an independent review with a third-party investigator,” Potucek said in a written statement.

“No decision has been reached yet, and we do not have additional information to release at this time.”
Govea, of Santa Ana, said she and Bacerra met in 2007 and dated off and on through 2010.
While they were together, Govea said Bacerra pulled her out of bed on one occasion and slammed her to the floor, and another time he fell down and knocked her over with him, then got up and kicked dirt in her face. She also experienced verbal and emotional abuse, she said.
For about two years after their breakup, she said, Bacerra “tormented me,” suggesting they should get back together and threatening to withhold planning permits from Govea’s boss.
She didn’t report the alleged abuse to authorities at the time, she said, because she was still trying to make the relationship work and never thought of herself as someone who would be the victim of abuse.
Govea said she came forward, posting about the relationship on Facebook on Oct. 3, after learning Bacerra was running for office. She recently got a concerning health diagnosis, so “I’ve got nothing to lose now,” she said.
Bacerra, a land use consultant, said his relationship with Govea was “mutually unhealthy” and argumentative, but there was never physical abuse. Govea called him a couple times after they broke up and was always pleasant, giving no indication she was going to publicly accuse him of abuse, he said.
He did try to help Govea’s boss get information for a permit application, Bacerra said, but he wasn’t on the commission at the time and had no influence over the approval process.
“Take a look at the timing of some of these allegations. They all seem to coincide with the election calendar,” Bacerra said. “It’s really just a very gruesome smear campaign.”
Govea said she has no connection to any other political candidates or campaigns and went public with her allegations against Bacerra because “I am about what’s right and what’s wrong.”
The Democratic Party of Orange County’s Central Committee could discuss the investigation and endorsement of Bacerra is at a Monday, Oct. 22, meeting.
The election is Nov. 6; Bacerra and Reyna are running for the Ward 4 council seat now held by David Benavides.