Democratic Party of Orange County warns residents that voter guide in the mail might not be their official recommendations
Residents in some Orange County cities have received mailers labeled “Democratic Voter Guide” that party officials say misrepresent the Democratic Party of Orange County’s endorsements.
They have taken to social media and email lists to alert voters the mailers are not an official guide from the party.
The mailers have a familiar red-and-white donkey logo and and wording about a city’s Democrats choice for a seat. However, the mailers include endorsements for several Republican-backed candidates.
Local races such as city councils and school boards are non-partisan and party affiliations are not labeled on ballots.
Democratic Party of Orange County spokeswoman Rachel Potucek said people in Costa Mesa, Huntington Beach, Santa Ana and Mission Viejo contacted the party about the mailers, beginning Wednesday, Oct. 31.
“There may be more,” she said.
The Republican Party of Orange County Executive Director Randall Avila distanced the party from the mailers, saying he had not previously heard about them and his party has been the subject of similar misleading campaign literature.
“Unfortunately, we don’t control the slate,” he said.
Potucek said mailer recipients should check the disclaimers on the covers. The official Democratic mailers say on the cover that the party paid for those, she said.