Rain brings flash flood threats and evacuation notices in Southern California
Rainfall is expected throughout most of the rest of the week throughout Southern California. While that rain can provide a reprieve from dry weather, it also carries with it potential hazards.
The National Weather Service in San Diego forecasted rainfall throughout Orange, Riverside and San Bernardino counties starting on Wednesday evening. The showers will be accompanied by 15-25 mph winds, with gusts up to 35 mph. The NWS said it expects the rain to clear out by Monday.
Official forecasts from the NWS in Ventura and Los Angeles counties said rain is also expected to start in those areas Wednesday evening, with a brief halt to the rain on Friday. More showers should come on Saturday with the precipitation ending on Sunday.
A high-surf advisory was declared by the NWS for coastal Orange and Los Angeles counties, with waves between six to 12 feet from Wednesday afternoon through at least Thursday night.
“There is an increased risk for ocean drowning,” the NWS said in a statement. “Currents can pull swimmers and surfers out to sea. Large breaking waves can wash people off beaches and rocks and capsize small boats near shore.”
Most of the rainfall is predicted to come throughout Thursday, when the NWS said coastal areas could receive up to an inch, while mountain regions could get up to four inches.
Updated rainfall forecast
Coastal areas to receive 0.5-1.0″, valley areas 1-1.5″. The mountain areas 2-3″, with higher amounts of 4″+ possible.
Most of the rainfall will be Thursday. Watch out for slick roads, high elevation snow (8,000ft+), and possible debris flows #cawx pic.twitter.com/hfLiYA59E2
— NWS San Diego (@NWSSanDiego) November 27, 2018
A flash flood warning was put into effect in Orange, Riverside and San Bernardino counties from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. on Thursday, with voluntary evacuation notices in place for areas in Riverside County in and around the Holy fire burn scar.
Voluntary evacuation notices were put in place in the unincorporated areas of Maitri, Glen Ivy-A, Grace, Glen Eden, Horsethief-A, Alberhill, Rice, McVicker-A, Withrow-A, Amorose and Laguna-A.
Trilogy-A, Trilogy-B, Glen Ivy-B, Butterfield, Horsethief-B, McVicker-B, Alvarado-A, Alvarado-B, Lakeside-A, Lakeside-B, Laguna-B and El Cariso were noted as at-risk areas for flooding, as well as mud and debris flow. Although these areas were also near the Holy fire, no evacuation notices were put in place.
These communities are in the Temescal Valley, between Lake Elsinore and Corona. Officials with Riverside County urged residents of the areas with voluntary evacuations to leave as soon as possible, while it is still safe.
Cal Fire Riverside said a care and reception center is open at Temescal Canyon High School at 28755 El Toro Road in Lake Elsinore. Small and large animals are being accepted at the San Jacinto Animal Campus at 581 South Grand Avenue in San Jacinto.
Orange County Public Works also issued a voluntary evacuation warning for those in the Holy fire burn area, citing potential debris flow. Voluntary evacuation warnings were put in place for houses in Trabuco Creek, Rose Canyon and Mystic Oaks. These communities are near Rancho Santa Margarita.
Orange County residents can sign up for notifications about natural hazards or disasters at AlertOC.com, or follow @OCpublicworks on Twitter. Riverside County residents can sign up for alerts at rivcoready.org/alertrivco, or follow @RivCoReady on Twitter.
The Crantson fire started a few weeks before, and about 70 miles east of the Holy fire burn area, on July 25. Riverside County officials said residents in that area should avoid areas susceptible to debris flows, though no evacuations warnings or orders were in place there.
The City of Corona said no evacuations were in place for people in the 2017 Canyon fire burn area.
The Canyon fire started along the 91 Freeway, near Corona and the Orange-Riverside county line. It burned over 2,600 acres and prompted the evacuation of hundreds of houses.
“Rainfall over the Canyon fire burn areas is still expected in 48-72 hours,” the city said in a statement. “However, based on current weather predictions, it is not expected to cause debris flows. There are no current voluntary or mandatory evacuation orders in place at this time.”
Sandbags were also available for anyone in Ventura, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside and San Bernardino counties.
The NWS warned of rockslides and mudslides in the Woolsey and Hill fire burn areas along Pacific Coast Highway and canyon roads. Debris flow and roadway flooding is possible there.
Rain will develop Wed along the central coast spreading over #Ventura & #LosAngeles Counties Wed night-Thu. Widespread 1-2 inches of rain with 3 or more in the mountains. Shallow mudslides and rock falls for #WoolseyFire and #HillFire areas, including PCH & canyons. #CAwx #LARain pic.twitter.com/gXQV5lAZLm
— NWS Los Angeles (@NWSLosAngeles) November 27, 2018
While evacuation notices were put in place for burn areas in Riverside County, no such evacuations were put in place for the recent Ventura and Los Angeles county fires. San Bernardino County was also free of any voluntary or mandatory evacuation notices.
“We’ll be keeping an eye on it,” said Eric Sherwin, spokesman for the San Bernardino County Fire Department. “If any threats pop up, we’ll let people know.”
Snowfall is expected in the San Bernardino Mountains, which prompted the California Department of Transportation to alert the public to always use chains on their tires when traveling in mountain areas. Caltrans said at least four inches of snow are expected at 5,000 feet and above.
“Do not drive past ‘Road Closed’ signs and always follow commands and instructions from Caltrans personnel, California Highway Patrol, law enforcement and emergency responders,” Caltrans said in a statement.
“Remember to bring chains even if it is not snowing, so you don’t get caught without them during sudden weather changes,” Caltrans said.
The Bear Valley Unified School District in the San Bernardino Mountains noted that inclement weather in the region could potentially result in school closures. Those closures would be determined by the superintendent by 5 a.m. and made public by 5:30 a.m. the day of the closure.