Reagan, Nixon libraries pay tribute to George H.W. Bush
Before serving as president, George H.W. Bush was the vice president for two terms in the administration of President Ronald Reagan.
The foundation that oversees the Reagan Library in Simi Valley on Saturday remembered their friendship and political alliance.
“During their eight years in office, President Reagan and Vice President Bush forged a remarkable partnership,” the Reagan Foundation statement said. “As they reignited the U.S. economy, battled tyranny across the globe, and restored America’s pride and purpose, President Reagan relied on his vice president’s calm, strength, loyalty, and wisdom.
“In all that the administration achieved, President Reagan once remarked, `no one has been closer to my side and has contributed more to our success than George Bush.’ As president, George Bush built on this legacy, steering America through challenging times at home and abroad. Respectful of others, thoroughly devoted to service, and gracious even in defeat, he also solidified his reputation for integrity and decency.”

Also, the Richard Nixon Foundation invited the public to visit the Nixon Presidential Library and Museum in Yorba Linda to pay tribute to the late president.
The Foundation will collect condolence messages in a book that will be delivered to the Bush family. Messages will be collected until Dec. 16 in the Annenberg Entrance Court during normal hours.
Museum officials said admission is not required to write a condolence message.