Corona police K-9’s takedown of suspect is a smashing success
A Corona Police Department K-9 has gone Hollywood with one giant leap.
Duke, a 7-year-old Belgian Malinois, is receiving celebrity-level fanfare after a video right out of the movies popped up on websites around the country. It shows the dog launching himself through a partially broken window early Friday, Dec. 20 in a spectacular apprehension of a pickup driver who led police on a pursuit from Fontana.
“Greatest Police Dog Ever Takes Down Perp With Insane LeBron-Esque Superjump,” shouts the headline on the TMZ website.
Duke’s handler, Officer Michael Neff, said Duke was only doing what he trains for every week, but Sgt. Chad Fountain acknowledged that he has received calls about the window-smashing leap from as far away as New York.
“Our dog is a rock star, for sure,” Fountain said.
The stage was set for the jaw-dropping jump late Thursday when Fontana police tried to contact Julio Vasquez Ugalde, 31. He fled in his pickup and led police on a pursuit that ended about 1 a.m. at 3777 Bedford Canyon Road in Corona, San Bernardino County jail records show. Ugalde barricaded himself in his pickup, Neff told TMZ.

The California Highway Patrol then requested the assistance of Corona police. A CHP officer later fired a projectile at the driver’s side window, only partially breaking it. The Loudlabs News video then shows Duke jumping through the window as Ugalde ducks forward. Only Duke’s rear end — his tail wagging — can be seen as Ugalde attempts to fend off the determined dog. Police later pull Ugalde out of the pickup, with Duke’s jaws still attached, the video shows.
Ugalde was arrested on suspicion of stalking, felony evading and violating a court order to prevent domestic violence, jail records show. Ugalde, also known as Julio Cesar Vasquez, was treated for minor injuries before being booked into West Valley Detention Center in Rancho Cucamonga, Corona police said. He was being held in lieu of $1.025 million bail.
Neff, in the TMZ interview, said Duke served with the military before Corona police acquired him about three years ago.
“We train every week for scenarios just like last night. Any of our dogs could have done it,” Neff said. “My partners here have way more experience than I do as a K-9 handler and I have to give it up to them for training me and teaching Duke how to do it safely and apprehend suspects without getting hurt.”
K-9 takes down stalking suspect at end of chase in Corona
— ABC7 Eyewitness News (@ABC7) December 20, 2019
Duke, said Neff, received a hug and an attaboy for his apprehension.
“There’s not a scratch on him,” Neff added.
Corona police have four patrol K-9s, one narcotics dog and one comfort dog.
“It was a pretty dramatic entrance into the car, and as a former K-9 handler myself, I love seeing our dogs being successful. K-9 Duke did a phenomenal job,” Fountain said. “This one, in particular, is pretty unique given that the opening was so small and the glass hadn’t fallen out completely.”
Nevertheless, Fountain said, Duke did not hesitate.
“Our department has always had a great K-9 program, and that tradition continues,” he said.
Corona police posted a video with an interview it conducted with Neff on its Facebook page.