
Coronavirus: DMV rescues drivers with expiring licenses

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Q. Dear Honk: How can I get a driver license extension? I went to the Department of Motor Vehicles website the first week in January for an appointment and could not get one until after my birthday this month. Could you ask our Gov. Gavin Newsom to order the DMV to send out extensions for seniors for 120 days or longer, as needed because of the coronavirus?

– Ralph Bergman, West Anaheim

A. Ralph dropped his emailed question to Honk way back on March 24, and, finally, the DMV adopted such a policy just this past Thursday.

The agency kept taking baby steps, first asking cops to be lenient when coming across drivers with licenses and registrations that were delinquent because of the coronavirus catastrophe, then, days after Ralph’s email, the DMV finally shut down its offices.

Thursday, the DMV said those ages 70 and older, with a license expiring from March 1 to May 31, will get that 120-day extension you suggested, Ralph. Originally, those drivers were to go into an office to get renewals.

Those drivers are to receive extensions in the mail, beginning within two weeks.

In addition, younger drivers who have “safe driving records” and were supposed to have endured a DMV office in the next two months for renewals will be allowed to re-up online or via the mail. Normally, those under 70 renew licenses every five years, but must go into an office every 15.

The DMV is working on how the younger drivers will renew online or via mail. Keep tabs by going to dmv.ca.gov or, or course, checking back here in Honkland. It is unclear if the qualifying dates will be the same for the youngins as it is for the older folk.

The moves were expected to help hundreds of thousands.

Q. Mr Honk: Just sitting around observing social distancing, and I was thinking that I often drive the 5 Freeway through Camp Pendleton, and at the California Highway Patrol inspection facility I often see a sign that says all trucks must stop at the scales. However, I always see some big rigs driving straight through and bypassing the lineup of trucks waiting to be weighed. Are some truckers exempt from the weight restrictions, and how does the CHP know not to stop these particular semis?

– John Zuerlein, San Clemente

A. Trucks can be outfitted with transponders that tell the drivers when inspectors are not going to make them pull into the scales, which some truckers call the “coops.”

If green pops up on the transponder, the driver can continue on. If red appears, the trucker must pull in. Who gets to bypass the scales is somewhat random, but also based on a safety rating that considers such factors as past traffic, equipment and weight violations.

Lt. Arnold Hardy, the CHP commander at the San Onofre weigh stations, said sometimes there is 100% enforcement and all of the semis are directed in.

At the scales, big rigs can be inspected for all sorts of things, including height, width and, of course, weight. The drivers can be checked for sobriety and medical backgrounds and to ensure they are properly licensed to be operating the behemoths.

If a trucker is supposed to pull in and doesn’t, a CHP cruiser with lights flashing might appear in the rearview mirror.

Honkin’ fact: You very well might have caught this in the news, but Real ID is a big topic here in Honkland so our fine leader wanted to ensure you are all caught up:

The first day the federal government will require a Real ID or equally acceptable identification to board a domestic flight had been the approaching Oct. 1, but Acting Secretary Chad Wolf of Homeland Security has pushed the date back a full year because of the coronavirus.

To ask Honk questions, reach him at honk@ocregister.com. He only answers those that are published. To see Honk online: ocregister.com/tag/honk.