
Those advertisements on public property very well may be illegal

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Q. Hello Honk: Can major businesses or restaurants place mini billboards on public medians? I’m here in Riverside and a fast-food restaurant has placed a huge sign on an island at an intersection.

– Mario Luna, Anaheim

A. Probably not in most cities.

Phil Pitchford, a spokesman for Riverside, talked to a city official and passed along the law to Honk.

Mostly, such signs are not allowed on public property in town. But in some spots, such as on Riverside’s nifty pedestrian mall in the downtown, there are some exceptions.

Illegal signs are taken down, and the city can impose fines if it can determine who put them up.

Honk doesn’t believe he has earned his paycheck unless he gets a little sweat on the brow. So he also reached out to your fine town, Mario, to see how Anaheim handles such things.

“In Anaheim, we don’t allow temporary signs on public property,” Erin Ryan, a city spokeswoman, told Honk in an email.

City employees will remove signs and stickers, and repeat violators could get fined.

“During this unprecedented time, we are looking to provide some leniency as our businesses strive to inform the public of their new or modified services,” Ryan added.

Q. I am 87 years old and partially disabled. I don’t drive, and I don’t have a car anymore. However, I do still have a valid driver license, which expires later this year. Should I apply for the ID card? Can I do that from home?

– Pat Howe, Brea

A. Letting the license expire and getting an ID from the Department of Motor Vehicles sounds like a good plan.

You will have to go into a DMV office to get one, Ivette Burch, a DMV spokeswoman, told Honk.

Still, that option is much easier than retaining a license.

Yes, you will still need to get your photo taken. But you won’t have to take the written and vision tests, as you would for a license, and those ages 62 and older don’t have to pay for the ID, either. Renewing a license would cost your $37.

Wait awhile, Pat, until the rush into the reopened DMV offices slows down, and you are certain it is worth wading into the world with this coronarvirus pandemic about that is bothering us all.

Honkin’ fact: When a 5-year-old boy’s mom wouldn’t agree to buy him a Lamborghini, he jumped into his parents’ SUV on Monday, May 4, and headed off to California to get one.

Two miles into his journey, on the 15 Freeway in Ogden, a Utah Highway Patrol officer spotted the SUV weaving, braking in erratic fashion and clocking just 32 mph. He pulled over what he suspected was an intoxicated or medically troubled driver.

Instead, he found the whippersnapper who, as he gets older, will learn that his wallet wasn’t heavy enough that day to snag a Lambo – it held but three bucks. (Source: Deseret News.)

To ask Honk questions, reach him at honk@ocregister.com. He only answers those that are published. To see Honk online: ocregister.com/tag/honk.