
The 7.1 earthquake could have been so much worse. Here’s why

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The 7.1 earthquake that hit the Ridgecrest area last week was the largest in Southern California in 20 years. It created surface ruptures and damage near the epicenter. But experts said the quake could have been much more punishing — and could have caused more damage in the metro Los Angeles area. …


California cities, counties spent $4 billion on overtime in 2018

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Duties of a principal security officer with the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power: Direct officers who patrol and safeguard buildings and their occupants. Supervise investigations of accidents, thefts and disturbances. Possess good judgment. The city’s job description doesn’t mention the opportunity to clock serious overtime, but it’s there. Principal security officer Ricardo Frias…


12 small earthquakes hit Ridgecrest area overnight

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A dozen small earthquakes, each more than 3 in magnitude, rattled the Ridgecrest area overnight Sunday into Monday, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. They were among the 3,000 or aftershocks that have shaken a region few outsiders were aware of until a 7.1 quake hit on Friday and swayed much of Southern California. Earthquake experts,…


Girl hurt in car-to-car shooting in Santa Ana

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SANTA ANA — A girl suffered a lower body wound Sunday in a car-to-car shooting on Main Street in Santa Ana, authorities said. It happened about 8:25 p.m. in the 2400 block of South Main Street, Santa Ana police Commander M. Moreno said. Paramedics took the victim to a hospital, where her vital signs were…


Emergency responders from around the state will stick around in Ridgecrest

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Emergency fire crews and equipment from around the state will remain on standby in the Ridgecrest area for the near future, “in case something happens,” Kern County Fire Department Battalion Chief Dionisio Mitchell said Sunday. Water from a broken line runs down a crack on the ground in the aftermath of an earthquake along Highway…