
LA County DCFS failing to protect children from abuse, state auditors find

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The Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services allows children to remain in unsafe and abusive situations longer than necessary — sometimes for months — by failing to complete neglect investigations accurately and on time, according to a California State Auditor report released Tuesday. Auditors determined the department’s social workers completed 72% of…


NRC gives Edison go-ahead to resume moving nuclear waste at San Onofre

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The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has given approval to continue moving spent nuclear fuel from wet fuel pools to dry storage at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, south of San Clemente. The top of the 18-foot vaults are seen in the foreground. (File Photo by Paul Bersebach, Orange County Register/SCNG) A caution sign sits on…


Laguna Woods co-op board hikes fines for illegal golf-cart charging

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Laguna Woods United Mutual board on Tuesday, May 14, passed a resolution that will double the $50 fee for members who charge their golf carts using mutual electricity without a permit. As proposed, violators will be fined $100 upon first offense — a fine that will escalate by increments of $50 for each subsequent offense,…


Fullerton students wanted more vegetarian lunch options so they started cooking up a new menu

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When Fullerton School District Superintendent Robert Pletka led a focus group asking third graders what improvements would enhance their educational experience, the answer was unanimous. “The students have requested more vegetarian items on their lunch menu,” said Nancy Wikes, nutrition consultant for the district. Veggie chili is one of the dishes created in the Vegetarian…