
Yep, drivers of public buses have more leeway in carpool lanes than cops

in News

Q. Honk: You recently wrote about a sheriff’s deputy in Los Angeles County using the carpool lane without a passenger and that officers often shouldn’t do it. Today, there was a double-length Orange County Transportation Authority bus that was out of service with no passengers using the carpool lane on the southbound 55 Freeway near…


Election: Is America itself on the ballot? Depends on who you ask

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In the end, what is it all about? The question hangs over Tuesday’s election, like a star-spangled flag on a windless day waiting to be blown one direction or another by a breeze from the ballot box. In the view of those who are calling this the most important election of our lifetimes — and…


Democratic Party of Orange County warns residents that voter guide in the mail might not be their official recommendations

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Residents in some Orange County cities have received mailers labeled “Democratic Voter Guide” that party officials say misrepresent the Democratic Party of Orange County’s endorsements. They have taken to social media and email lists to alert voters the mailers are not an official guide from the party. The mailers have a familiar red-and-white donkey logo…


Orange County restaurants shut down by health inspectors (Oct. 26-Nov. 2)

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Restaurants and other food businesses closed by health inspectors in Orange County from Oct. 26 to Nov. 2, 2018: Hamle Supermarket, 9895 Warner Ave., Suite A, Fountain Valley Permit downgraded to prepackaged food only: Nov. 1 Reason: Insufficient hot water/plumbing in disrepair 3-Thirty-3 Waterfront, 333 Bayside Drive, Newport Beach Closed: Nov. 1 Reason: Cockroach infestation…


Lease for $330 million Dana Point Harbor renovation is inked

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DANA POINT — After more than 20 years, plans to renovate the 47-year-old Dana Point Harbor are in place. On Friday, Nov. 2, Supervisor Lisa Bartlett joined other county officials and developer Dana Point Harbor Partners at Coffee Importers, in the harbor, to announce that the 66-year lease was signed Oct. 29. “The Dana Point Harbor…


EPA fines 2 trucking companies for air pollution, requires them to pay for indoor air filtration at Southern California schools

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Two interstate trucking companies failed to install filters in hundreds of diesel trucks that spewed tons of lung-damaging pollution into the air near schools, hospitals and daycare centers in Southern California, resulting in penalties of $225,000 assessed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, air pollution agencies announced Thursday. In addition, the trucking companies will spend…